Friday, 27 January 2012

A Sony PS3 and top games Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception and Resistance 3

Playstation Competition Image 3

WITH the launch of the new Playstation Vita just around the corner (Wednesday, February 22), the PS Vita Rooms is hitting Glasgow.

Opening to the public Wednesday, January 25 on Sauchiehall Street, the PS Vita Rooms will showcase the next generation of hand-held gaming to tech savvy Glaswegians.

And to celebrate the launch of the Vita, we've teamed up with Sony Playstation to give away a brand new PS3 and two top games.

Visitors to the PS Vita Rooms will be some of the first in the UK to get hands on with this eagerly anticipated console, set to raise the bar in portable gaming.

Guests will get the chance to preview some of the PlayStation Vita’s innovative features, including its OLED screen, Dual Analog Sticks, Front and Rear Touchpads and Front and Rear Cameras.

On show will be a full range of titles, including Uncharted: Golden Abyss, Reality Fighters, FIFA Football, Gravity Rush, Little Deviants, ModNation Racers and Wipeout 2048.

Expert staff will also be on hand to answer any questions about the PS Vita.

Patrons  will also be able to engage with a full program of events, including a live PA by superstar Grime MC, Lethal Bizzle, on Wednesday, with full programme details and further announcements to be made on the PlayStation Access Facebook page.

For your chance to win a Sony Playstation 3, and top games Uncharted 3: Drake’s Deception and Resistance 3, just follow us on Twitter @theGlaswegian and retweet our competiton tweet.

Terms and Conditions:  Competition closes at noon on Wednesday, February 8. Open to UK residents aged 18 and over only.  Std Trinity Mirror rules apply, see

The PS Vita Room is on Sauchiehall Street from Wednesday, January 25 until Sunday, February 29.
Read our sister paper The Daily Record's review of Resistance 3 and Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception.

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